Access Your Purchase Bonuses

Step-by-step Instructions - How To Access Your Purchase Bonuses

  1. First, go to --

  2. From here, log in to your HealthMeans account. 

  3. Once logged in, click on the graphic in the top right corner of the page - where you see the computer monitor icon and "My Event Purchases." 

  4. Click the graphic for the event you purchased

  5. Now click on the tab that says "Limited Time Bonuses."

  6. You can scroll down to see all the Purchase Bonuses for that specific event.

  7. For PDF files, click the “Download Now” button. Then choose one of the two download options.

    For bonuses that are hosted on the provider’s site, click the “Learn More” button and follow the instructions given for each of the bonuses. 

NOTE: The bonuses are available for a limited time. The expiration date to access any you'd like to keep is posted on this page.

And that's how to claim any purchase bonus.

  • Note: If you want to keep the bonuses make sure you download them before they expire from the website. 

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